Dormant # 37 ~ Aaron Hobson

On the topic of increasing comments/participation, one should never underestimate the adage that "sex sells". My son recently discovered the wisdom of that time-tested-and-proven hook on his flickr group, Deathscapes. His photos normally garner about 30 views a day and around 5/6 comments total...but...put the word "sex" in the tags and whammo - 147 views/13 comments in 12 hours.
I don't know where he gets that kind of behavior from (must be his mother- my ex) because I, of course, would never stoop to posting a sexually suggestive photograph on The Landscapist.
FEATURED COMMENT: Mary Dennis wrote (re: making comments on The Landscapist): "...I'm uneasy with fact that I can't edit or delete my comments if I were to choose to....Those letter security things drive me crazy.... I like interesting and thoughtful conversation as much as anybody but the internet has never really tripped my trigger in that regard. I try but somehow something seems to be missing from the dynamic."
publisher's response: First and foremost, thanks very much for your continued participation and expression of appreciation for The Landscapist. That said, you bring up some good points about commenting on in particular and the internet in general.
You can delete a comment at any time - look for the little trash can on the bottom of your comment. The security thing is a pain for me as well but it does prevent spamming. Other blog services have different ways of dealing with spamming but it seems that they all require some form of manual input from the commenter.
Regarding the internet dynamic, I tend to agree. Face-to-face conversation is the best. Phone conversation would be next best on my list and Internet talk falls below either of those...BUT...we are "talking" across a great distance and we're not running up a big phone bill. I also like the fact, like in a group face-to-face, that others can jump into the conversation and add their 2 cents. There is something to be said for that.
FEATURED COMMENT: Jim Jirka wrote : "...I like the image a lot. To me it is not a question of sex, but I can understand the connotations. I like it more for the dramatic interplay of light and shadow which to me makes the image 'sexy'."
Reader Comments (4)
I won't take the high road and say that I don't love a good train wreck, a fight or a sexy image every now and then, but that's not why my comments here are few and far between. I have a few reasons:
1. I'm uneasy with fact that I can't edit or delete my comments if I were to choose to. At least I haven't figured out a way to do that. I try not to worry about it, but I like having the option. Call me anal if you want! ;-) I preview my comments sometimes but that gets time consuming.
2. It's kind of a goofy and convoluted process leaving a comment here. Those letter security things drive me crazy.
3. The separate comment window loads pretty slowly for me and sometimes not at all. And it's such a constrictive little space. Again, you can call me anal if you want but the format messes with my head.
4. I've always been more of a listener than a talker for the most part. I like interesting and thoughtful conversation as much as anybody but the internet has never really tripped my trigger in that regard. I try but somehow something seems to be missing from the dynamic. No body language to read or something...
I know this may seem like a quiet place to you but I am always checking in to read, listen, observe and learn a thing or two. I consider The Landscapist a valuable resource and I hope you continue to post.
I like the image a lot. To me it is not a question of sex, but I can understand the connotations. I like it more for the dramatic interplay of light and shadow which to me makes the image "sexy".
Nothing shows up in the comment window that even resembles a trashcan. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.
I guess not.
That said, I have seen on The landscapist and other blogs a "Comment deleted by author" notice - author being the commenter, not the bigshot.
I try and find out how it's done.