Lisa Gimber ~ Caddo Lake

Caddo Lake to me is like the Adirondack Mountains are to you. One of these years I'm going to buy a Go-Devil boat so that I can travel through those swamps whenever I feel like it and hopefully get a decent exposure. Here's a shot from last month that I like. I'm not the best composer or focuser? and still don't know how to use my camera well. Am very intimidated by what everybody else posts...Just want you to see my "Adirondack."
Publisher's comment: As far as I know Lisa Gimber has no online presence except for an occasional photo posting on one of the online nature photography forums. She has - very infrequently - sent me a few photographs asking for my opinion/advice. Lisa thinks that she is not a very good photographer, which I attribute to the fact that she doesn't know much about the "rules" and her photographs evidence that (refreshing) lack of "knowledge". That's why I like what I see - her photographs create an almost child-like (IMO, a very good thing) feeling of curiousity and observation, almost as if she is seeing something for the first time. At least, that's the experience I feel when I view her photographs.
Thanks for the submission Lisa.
Reader Comments (6)
I don't think I'd even wait for a boat, unless there were lots of alligators about. I love the blue shadows on the green water with the brown leaves showing. The Spanish moss (I guess?) is like a cloud hung from above.
Steve, I'll go out there again without a boat. There's some nice views from the state parks in both Louisiana and Texas. Thank you for saying you love the blue shadows!
Thank you, Kent!
The soft blues and greens are great, but what I like best are the backlit hanging moss. This must be a wonderland to explore!