John Bailey ~ 7_24_2006 - 7_28_2006

I work for an environmental consulting company in Massachusetts, myself and two co-workers were sent to Commerce, CA for a week (none of us had been to LA, or even CA before) these were the pictures I took on our downtime.
publisher's comment: One aspect of the "digital revolution" photography-wise is the freedom a photographer has to shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. With a palmful of memory cards and one of those portable mini storage drives, you can shoot (seemingly) for ever, and If someone were to ask me how to become a better photographer, my answer would be simple - "Shoot yer ass off, kid".
John Bailey seems to be doing just that. Don't know how many frames (files?) he shot in LA, but after a few days of shooting he ended up with a nifty portfolio - LA (Final Cut) - of around 150 photographs that is definitely worth a look.
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