Shameless and Bald-faced Nepotism

My youngest son, aka Photopop 7.0, has started what I believe will be a very interesting blog. Like The Landscapist, it encourages, in fact, depends upon, the submission of the photography of others. And here's the schtik - the blog is devoted entirely to series of photographs of commutes. Morning, mid-day, evening, night, on the way to work, the beauty parlor, the bar (but not on the way home unless you have a designated driver), and so on.
I like it. Could be fun and informative. Check it out - VIewTheCommute It's just getting started so maybe you can contribute something to help him/it along.
Reader Comments (2)
I don't commute much anymore right now, being unemployed, but I do have a couple of shots from before that I might be able to pull out of the growing CD/DVD Backup collection. I see some of my least favorite places there on the blog, such as the Cross Bronx Expressway. UGH! I can't believe anyone could take an eye and hand off the wheel there! Horrible place! That used to be my least favorite place on my drive from Fort Bragg to home and back. I saw my old favorite, Dunkin Donuts too! A shame I had to kick the caffeine habit. I love DD Coffee!!!!! Bad for smoking, but at least it he is smoking the best brand. My ex smoked those. They don't leave you or your clothes smelling as much as the other brands and supposedly have less chemicals and such. I still think living with him all these years and his second hand smoke in the car is why I was diagnosed with asthma this year. Fun stuff! I love taking pics from the car. I know Mary does too.