A Lost Love

Before digital instant photographic gratification meant Polaroid - in this case, the venerable SX-70. Man, how I love(d) that camera. I have 3 of them. The problem is, with Tine Zero film gone, they're now relegated to the status of photographic curiosities. Damn...another part of the photographic medium gone, just flat out gone. Ahhh, progress.
One has to wonder how much longer the Polaroid Corporation will be around. However, if it were to disappear tomorrow, there can be no denying that one of the most incredible collections of photography ever created -
Since the inception of instant photography over 50 years ago, Polaroid Corporation has promoted photography as art through its Artist Support Program. The program grew out of an early collaboration - essentially a research activity - between Polaroid founder Edwin Land and Ansel Adams (check out
Simply amazing.
For those who love photography, not just Polaroid photography, a must have book is
the photograph(s) ~ SX-70 photographs by Mark Hobson Allegheny Commons - Pittsburgh, PA
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