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« Jim Jirka ~ Autumn Awakening | Main | ku # 398 and a commentary for your consideration »

Tom Gallione ~ A Gathering of Leaves

Late afternoon light in the late autumn of last year. The voyage ends here on the surface of Park Creek for a small congregation of dead leaves. When the leaf-peeping parties are over, this is what remains. I always come late. - More than mere visual representations of reality, I strive to make interpretations that invite further thought and musing. I prefer the subtle and contemplative over the bold and dramatic, and suggestions over descriptions.

Reader Comments (4)

this to me represents an arrow trying to pierce through the hard rock. I too relish the autumn sights and sounds after the leaf peepers are snuggly at home for the winter.
October 1, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJim Jirka
The still colorful leaves feel like a nest to me amidst the rocks. A soft spot, if you will. I too, like to get out after the leaf-peeper season is over.
October 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Parent
Oh yes Tom, a true delight. Color for the eyes but with a richness and thoughtfulness that tickles my other senses too.
October 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMary Dennis
I see this photo as 'quietly bold' it is a quiet scene, an intimate view yet the arrowhead design and bright colours and darker rockks are bold and dramatic. This one works simultaneously because it is 'subtle' - easily overlooked, but when paid attention to it is riveting.
October 4, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDarwin Wiggett

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