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« civilized ku # 660-61 ~ feets, do yo stuff | Main | civilized ku # 658-59 ~ the BIG lie - really, really BIG ... both the lie and the pictures »

medicalscape # 1-2 ~ a new theme / series

Exam room sink ~ CVPH - Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
Medical records ~ CVPH - Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggen
It has come to my attention that I have a ever-growing number of medical facility pictures. To date, I have been labeling them as part of my civilized ku series. However, since medical facilities will continue to be part of my future, it's time to start a new series of medicalscape pictures.

While most of the medicalscape pictures have been centered around my heart related experiences, today's medicalscape pictures are centered around my upcoming hernia operation experiences. It certainly seems that I will not be running out of medical experiences any time soon so medicalscape it is.

FYI, I'll have to go back over the past several months of pictures and rename, renumber, and re-tag all of the medical pictures.

Reader Comments (2)

When people are involved (e.g medical staff) are you intending to shoot candids or do you need permission to photograph within the perimeter of a medical centre?

BTW, good luck with your medical "experiences"

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSven W

Mark I plan on doing something similiar with my knee replacement, I added images today and hopefully when my stiches come out tommorrow I will have somemore. Good luck with your health issues.

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDon

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