civilized ku # 2299-2305 / ku # 1160 / rain # 20-22 ~ let me see it

The pool ~ Stone Harbor, NJ • click to embiggen
Barn / Chateaugay Windpark ~ Franklin County, NY • click to embiggen
Grasses ~ Lyon Mt., NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Rain ~ Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggen
Corn / Chateaugay Windpark ~ Franklin County, NY • click to embiggen
Front porch ~ Stone Harbor, NJ • click to embiggen
Rain / Palmer and N. Main ~ Au Sable Forks, NY • click to embiggen
Lake Flower ~ Saranac Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Rental Center ~ Saranac Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIn last Friday's it's time for next IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (a PDF, best viewed/read at 100-125%) entry, I mentioned that I am seeking submissions for consideration, re: for publication as feature articles for my picture magazine endeavor. So, in this entry I will clarify, in a very general manner, what kind of pictures I am interested in reviewing and, perchance, publishing.
First and foremost, I am interested in pictures which are part of a coherent body of work - any body of work, no matter the theme or referents. People, places (natural or man-made), things or any combination thereof are all open to consideration.
While special consideration will be given to work which starts with seeing (as opposed to concept), pictures in a body of work may be of the found (observations of the real) or made (still life, tableau vivant, etc.) variety. However, technique and/or technical considerations which place a picture at a remove from the medium's intrinsic relationship with the real will be given short shrift.
That said written, and to borrow from David Hurn - in an interview / conversation with Bill Jay from the book On Being a Photographer - what interests me most, picture/work for publication wise, are pictures which display beauty while "revealing a sensation of strangeness, not predictability, a kind of shock non-recognition inside the familiar. The opposite of cliches; pictures which have a quality beyond the visually obvious. But even if it is difficult to define, beauty still lurks behind the scenes".
I am also very interested in pictures made by Profligatographers, a word coined by the guy at More Original Refrigerator Art to describe himself. A word which, IMO, is a perfect descriptor for the profligate and discursive picture makers who, primarily as a result of the digital picture making 'revolution', are making more pictures than they know what to do with. For them, after purchasing a digital picture making device, it's like having free film and processing for life which enables them to make what was formerly considered to be the work of a lifetime in as little as the course of a year, more or less.
Profligatographers, unlike many who make theme / referent related work, make unified bodies of work which are made coherent by their concentrated efforts on the simple act of seeing. Despite their seemingly promiscuous choice of picturing referents, a Profligatographer very often has a distinctive personal vision / manner of seeing which pulls everything together, body of work wise.
IMO, Profligatography - hey, if there are Profligatographers, there must also be Profligatography, right? - is a little understood and appreciated result of the so-called digital 'revolution'. Without going all flapdoodle-and-green-paint on the subject (like stating that I wish to formulate and disseminate didactic conjectural theory espousing a neophutos-like toxonomy of the new symbolic order), it is the pictorial and scio-cultural results and implications of Profligatography which I wish to explore and exhibit in my picture magazine publication.
As mentioned, the submission line is open. Act now. Don't delay. Be the first in your neighborhood to be considered for publication in On Seeing. And please, spread the word - tell all your friends and neighbors that they too can get in on the fun.
Please send a few samples, 72dpi x 800pixels (longest dimension), to: Picture Submission
FYI, I consider myself to be a Profligatographer of the first order. The pictures in this entry are just a few of the 50+ pictures (finished "keepers") I have made in just the past 2 weeks. And, in case you're wondering, I believe the pictures to be part of a body of work which is unified by a common vision and, therefore, typical of a body of work which might be submitted for consideration.