civilized ku # 2282-85 ~ cottages, bungalows, houses, and obscenities

The creep to obscenity ~ Stone Harbor, NJ • click to embiggenOne of the many issues I have with the South Jersey Shore is ongoing destruction of what was once a rather quaint Summer community. As is the case in many parts of the Good Ol' US of A - where nothing exceeds like excess - the moneyed class is driving out the 'common' folks and destroying what was once a community with real character.
Not that vacationing in a place where renting a modest bungalow, which sets you back $3,000-4,000.00USD for a one week rental, is frequented by a whole lot of 'commoners'. But, that said written, the fact remains that the new McMansion summer homes are being built on lots which once housed 2 or 3 more modest structures. And, in the process, driving up real estate values into the stratosphere.
FYI, the little cottage (on a 35×40 foot lot) pictured in the upper left of the picture posted in this entry is currently for sale at $425,000USD. A typical 10,000 sq. ft. Stone Harbor McMansion - that's right, a 10,000 sq. ft. summer house - will set you back a cool $3.5-7,000,000USD.
Whatever the cost of these monstrosities, the thing that gets under my skin, in addition to their physical /social impact on the community and their sterile faux grandeur, is the insane level of energy consumption these obscenities represent. Anyone want to venture a guess, re: the energy required to air-condition one of those behemoths for a summer?
In any event, it is the wretched excesses of the South Jersey Shore which make feel like I am consorting with the enemy every time I visit the place.

Featured Comment: Mary Dennis asked: "Why do you keep going there Mark?"
my response: 3 reasons - 1) it's a family - the wife's family, and I like them all - thing, 2) Hugo likes to have fun with his 'cousins', and 3) it gives me something to add to my curmudgeonly things-to-bitch-about list.
And, truth be told, if we visited the place in late autumn - after the crowds have left and the temperature isn't as hot and humid as Hell - I might actually enjoy the place. But that's not gonna happen because the Adirondacks is beyond category glorious in the autumn.
Reader Comments (3)
Now, I understand. Very true.
Why do you keep going there Mark?
Well, what more appropriate place than the land of rolly-polly governor Chris Christie to build these suckers?
Seriously, this kind of nonsense goes on anywhere there's water nearby (especially if it's salty). I wonder how many of these things Mitt owns?