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In Situ ~ la, la, how the life goes onLife without the APADoorsKitchen SinkRain2014 • Year in ReviewPlace To SitART ~ conveys / transports / reflectsDecay & DisgustSingle WomenPicture WindowsTangles ~ fields of visual energy (10 picture preview) • The Light + BW mini-galleryKitchen Life (gallery) • The Forks ~ there's no place like home (gallery)


diptych # 85-87 / civilized ku # 2801 ~ sweaters, not sweating

witch on dashboard ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
window w screen ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
colorful tangle ~ Rich Lake / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Lakeside Knoshery ~ Long Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
murky evening light ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Autumn is in the air and the witch on the dashboard has built a fire. Building fires at Rist Camp is what we will also be doing over the next week inasmuch as night-time lows will be near the freezing mark - great weather for sleeping and day-time (low 60s) hiking.


civilized ku # 2799-2800 / ku # 1283 ~ one good thing after another

guy w dogs at beach ~ Minerva, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Donnelly Beach ~ Minerva Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
island on Minerva Lake ~ Minerva, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Last Saturday, while driving to North Creek for pharmaceuticals and groceries, the wife and I ventured off the beaten path and discovered Donnelly Beach in the town of Minerva. I have to admit that it gives the beach a Newcomb a run for the money, best beach in the Adirondacks wise, but ultimately it's in second place.

We also ventured to nearby Olmstedville (population 500) for a look-see at / test paddle of the Hornbeck New Tricks-13. Nice boat. It's on the next-spring acquisition list.

While in Olmstedville, we bought fresh-filled cannolis at a weird little restaurant / bakery. And, while it was not our intention to dine out - we were on a grocery run - I knew of a very good restaurant, The Owl at Twilight that was located in the village, or at least it was 12 years ago. Turns out it's still there and thriving.

So we were first in the door at 5pm - had to get back to camp by 7:30pm for the Notre Dame game - and had a very excellent meal. Add to that the fact that Notre Dame cleaned Michigan's clock so, all in all, it was a very good day.

FYI, there are more NEW pictures at Rist Camp Diaries


diptych # 84 ~ just a thought ....

clarity and vision • click to embiggen

You have to believe in something. Everyone does. Even atheists believe in the unbelief. If they didn't, they'd go mad. The misanthrope believes in his hatred of his fellow man. The gambler believes he's omniscient and that his knowledge of the future is proof he is loved by God. The middle-income person who spends enormous amounts of time window-shopping and sorting through used clothing at garage sales is indicating that our goods will never be ashes blowing across the grave. I suspect the drunkard believes his own self-destruction is the penance required for his acceptability in the eyes of his Creator. The adherents of Saint Francis see divinity in the faces of the poor and oppressed but take no notice of the Byzantine fire surrounding themselves. The commonality of all of the aforementioned lies in the frailty of their moral vision. It is also what makes them human. ~ Dave Robicheaux / lead character in Pegasus Descending by James Lee Burke

FYI, there are more NEW pictures at Rist Camp Diaries


civilized ku # 2795-98 ~ bully! daze

Teddy and the wife ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
using the Bully Pulpit ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Teddy, the Rough Rider ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
portrait ~ Train Station / North Creek, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
This past weekend was the annual Teddy Roosevelt Days celebration here in Newcomb. Why Teddy Roosevelt and Newcomb together, you might wonder? Well, read on ....

The short version is that, on the damp night of September 14, 1901 Vice President Theodore Roosevelt made his legendary night ride from the Tahawus Club near Newcomb, NY in the Adirondack Mountains to the Presidency of the United States of America. The long version is ....

.... On September 6, 1901, President William McKinley, while attending the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, was shot by anarchist. Vice President Teddy Roosevelt was summoned to Buffalo but, after McKinley's condition had greatly improved, Roosevelt was advised to leave Buffalo in order to reassure the public about the President's condition.

Roosevelt then traveled to the Adirondacks, a place where he spent considerable time over the years, to join his family at the Tahawus Club near Newcomb. On September 12, he, his family, and guides hiked up Mount Marcy, the tallest mountain in New York State. During this hike, on the shores of Lake Tear-of-the-Clouds, Roosevelt received word that McKinley had taken a turn for the worse. A local man named Harrison Hall made the climb to Roosevelt on Mount Marcy with a telegram announcing the president's now grave condition.

Roosevelt was reluctant to depart immediately and informed his wife that because he had just been there, he would not return to Buffalo until truly needed. However, another telegram announcing that the president was dying banished thoughts of waiting any longer. So, Shortly before midnight, Roosevelt traveled by buckboard wagon from the upper camp of the Tahawus Club to the North Creek, N.Y. train station located 35 miles away. The trip (7 hours by day) involved 3 changes of wagons, with fresh drivers and horses each time.

Roosevelt departed from the Upper Tahawus Club, traveling ten miles in two hours to the cabins of the Tahawus Post Office, where he would make his first wagon change. From here he traveled an additional two hours and twenty minutes over a stretch of nine miles to Aiden Lair Lodge, a popular resort for sportsmen in Minerva, N.Y. Roosevelt once again changed wagons around 3:30 a.m. Mike Cronin, the proprietor of the lodge, would usher the Vice President the final sixteen miles. Despite a dark and slippery road, the two would make it to North Creek in record-breaking time.

Upon arriving at the train station in North Creek, Roosevelt's secretary delivered a telegram announcing McKinley's death at 2:15 that morning. Roosevelt had ascended to presidency on the dark, slippery Adirondack roads hours before - hence, Teddy Roosevelt Days in Newcomb, NY.

The annual celebration has a wide range of events; lumberjack competition between 2 colleges with environmental / forestry schools, dances, luncheons, a guideboat gathering, quilting exhibits, wagon rides to Santanoni great camp's farm complex, a guided tour of the ruins of the McIntrye Mine Works at Tahawus and others.

Needless to write, the wife was thrilled beyond belief to meet the President. Teddy gave a rousing speech (bully!) about his love of the Adirondacks and his ideas about / use of the Bully Pulpit (bully!) as platform for getting his message(s) across. He mingled with the crowd and even manned a saw with one of the lumberjack competitors.

Bully for him. He's got my vote.

Read some interesting facts about Teddy.

FYI, Teddy, Pince-Nez eyeglass wearer that he was, spent some time with me admiring my $1000 specs.


civilized ku # 2792-94 ~ life's a beach - or a bitch, if you don't obey the rules

beach rules / notices ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
beach capacity ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
lifeguards ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
This Monday past (Labor Day) the wife, Hugo & Johnny, and I bicycled to the Newcomb town beach which is located on Harris Lake less than 1/4 mile from Rist Camp.

The beach is, by almost any standard / criteria, the best beach in the Adirondacks - 200 yards long, 100 feet deep and covered with beautiful sand. The beach is backed by a grove of nicely spaced cedar trees (standing in sand) which provide a shaded area (I like shade at the beach). A sand volleyball court, horseshoe pit, extra large jungle gym, docks and a floating diving platform, picnic tables (outside and under a large pavilion), restrooms with changing rooms, and a snack bar (hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, etc.) complete the setup.

All of that written, the beach is also a bit of an oddity. Despite the sign stating a 1400 person capacity, we have never encountered more than a handful of people - take notice of the 3 (and only 3) swimmers (the wife, Hugo & Johnny) at the beach on Labor Day, the last big holiday of the summer season, leaving the place 1397 people short of capacity. And then there's the notice pointing out that NO PRESCHOOLERS WITHOUT PARENTS are allowed. Apparently some parents were dropping off preschoolers at the beach as a sort of free daycare location.

Someone in authority also felt it was necessary, in addition to multiple NO DOGS ALLOWED notices, to post the NO ANIMALS ALLOWED IN THE SWIMMING AREA rule. Which begs the question, were people bringing chickens, goats, cats or other animals to the beach? If so, are they allowed in non-swimming areas?

FYI, there are more NEW pictures at Rist Camp Diaries


kitchen life # 57 / ku # 1282 ~ everywhere you go there's bound to be a sink

produce ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
village shoreline ~ Long Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Spent some time in Long Lake over the holiday weekend with Hugo and his friend Johnny. It rained on Sunday so the wife and I took them to the Adirondack Museum. On Monday PM the kids flew home in a seaplane (I was the co-pilot). Life goes on at Rist Camp.

FYI, there are more pictures at Rist Camp Diaries


civilized ku # 2791 ~ working it

seaplane ~ Long Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
I have moved all my computer stuff to Rist Camp and am using some time to finally get my new mini-mac and related new software up to speed. So far, all is swell.


civilized ku # 2790 ~ late day sun

sunlight on door ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
More at Rist Camp Diaries.