ku # 544 ~ say what?

Cold, icy West Branch of the Au Sable River • click to embiggenI must admit that while viewing Tom Gallione's pictures, especially the aforementioned Noon series, I was nearly overwhelmed with the need to go out and make some "pure" ku pictures. So, on my way into and return from Lake Placid to pick up my new $1,000 (read below) eyeglasses. I was actively on the lookout for picture making possibilities - something that is not my usual MO.
I must say that it felt extremely odd and almost "wrong" to be looking for picture making opportunities so intently. It seemed rather "forced" and "unnatural". In fact, afterword, I wondered what I might have missed and not seen by looking so intently.
However, on the way home, I was seeing much better than on the way in to Lake Placid - I was wearing my new zillion dollar eyewear after all. FYI, I must state that I am not a thousand dollar eyeglasses person at heart.
However, I now own such a pair due to a "perfect storm" set of circumstances. In a bit of a mad rush to take advantage of a reimbursement program from the wife's firm, I needed to buy a new pair of glasses (which, BTW, I actually needed) by year's end. To that end, I made an appointment for an eye exam at a family owned and run optometrist / eyewear place in Lake Placid.
A bit of a "trendy" place in fact but a place at which I knew I could get a short-notice appointment. Also a place at which I knew I would be paying a bit of a premium in but, what the heck, it wasn't coming out of my pocket, right? Well, surprise, surprise.
After the eye exam, where I discovered that my prescription had actually changed for the better, I picked out a pair of low cost ($250) frames - that is, 'low cost" in this establishment where frames were as expensive as $600-$700.
Next step was to order the lens and I was pitched rather vigorously regarding new "digital" lenses which promised a much bigger "sweet spot" for distance correction with the progressive lens that I needed (progressive lenses = seamless progression bifocals). This was an exciting prospect for me since I had never really been comfortable with my last (and first) set of progressive lenses, the sweet spot was way to small resulting in a lot of head turning since the peripheral vision was very limited - this was particularly bad for me whenever I wanted to ogle a babe while the wife was on hand.
Once I was assured that I didn't need batteries for the "digital" lenses, I decided, sure, why not? A few measurements later, I was presented with the bill ... $970.00!!!! Say what? I nearly wet the bed. Calling upon a reserve of inner strength that I did not know I possessed, I managed to maintain an outward appearance of calm and dignity and casually (outward appearance wise) asked if I could see the cost breakdown. The "digital" lenses were the main culprit - $580.00 alone.
As I sat there trying to recover and reconcile my economic senses, the one thought that kept running through my head was that the last lens that I purchased for my Olympus cost only marginally more than that. How in the hell could a pair eyeglass lenses cost that much? I mean, come on now, think about it - 2 pieces of plastic versus 10 glass elements with 2 aspherical glass lens elements, multi-coating, auto-focusing, weather-sealed close-tolerance construction, and, by comparison to eyewear lenses, extremely limited production.
How the hell can a pair of eyewear lenses cost so much - even considering the $140 premium cost for the "digital" lenses? Am I missing something?

Truth be told, I got them because I thought they were a kind of Lennon / Costello hybrid but what the hell, I'll go with the Stieglitz connection. And, FYI, the wife thinks that they are the perfect compliment to accent my beady eyes.
Reader Comments (10)
You didn't even tell your faithful readers what they look like. However, IMO, you seem interested in things visual, and therefore, being able to see is probably a good thing.
Show us a picture of your $1000 eyeglasses!
They're certainly sporty looking. Truly though glasses prices have no relationship to reality apart from the fact that many purchases are supported by some kind of vision benefit or medical supplemental fund of the use it or lose it variety. Clearly a total ripoff.
Now show us a picture of you wearing the new digital designer glasses! Then we can tell you if they are worth it. ;-) They are pretty chic and funky Mark. The best of both worlds--high fashion and high technology. Of course it's gonna cost you! :-) But a thousand bucks???
Maybe they're even a bit "Steiglitzy!" :-)
I was thinking more groucho marx for some reason?
I didn't know Holga made glasses.
Just kidding but I guess I will have to stay with my $200 wire rims from Empire.
Yeah, I see the Groucho Marx resemblance. They even have built-in eyebrows!
I know you meant "mais oui", right?
I just got my first pair of progressives and it drives me crazy when I type and move my head. They keyboard bends! Yikes! Stairs are a nightmare too. I certainly can't get fancy "digital" ones like you with no health insurance.
Michelle - mais oui