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This blog is intended to showcase my pictures or those of other photographers who have moved beyond the pretty picture and for whom photography is more than entertainment - photography that aims at being true, not at being beautiful because what is true is most often beautiful..

>>>> Comments, commentary and lively discussions, re: my writings or any topic germane to the medium and its apparatus, are vigorously encouraged.

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« Ireland / Scotland # 15 ~ more's the pity | Main | civilized ku # 4000-02 ~ another day older and another 250 miles under my belt(ed tires) »

Ireland • Scotland # 14 / WP updates ~ where is it headed?

dusk ~ Pennan, Scotland • click to embiggen

Now that my rambling daze is over - at least for the time being - I have some time to think. And thinking is what I'm doing.

THINKING ITEM # 1: what to do with this blog. It is apparent there are no fixes coming, re: resizing and posting issues, so I've given up hope on that issue. And, I am very displeased with the fact that when one uses the embiggen feature, the picture pops up in a window, a window over which I can not specify size and add scrolling - an issue which is now part and parcel of the goofy work around needed to post pictures. All in all, very frustrating.

I am giving thought to harvesting all of the text from the blog, deleting all of the entry pictures, keeping just the links to my Bodies of Work pictures, putting a link to WordPress and letting the whole thing be dormant. Assuming ...

THINKING ITEM # 2: that Wordpress is the best format for a new blog. At this point it might have to do. I am still exploring the free format's capabilities but I think I will have to buy into the paid subscription to get more custom control over / more features with the format.

I really like the all-picture presentation on the 'front page' of the current format I am using. However, I hope visitors will know enough to click on the pictures for more information and my commentaries (reference Item # 3). Consequently, I will most likely be trying a more conventional blogging format of single column entries with text visible. Opinions on either approach appreciated.

THINKING ITEM # 3: how much more commentary will I be posting? Current answer: I don't know but I am leaning toward letting my pictures do the talking because ...

THINKING ITEM # 4: I want to spend more time organizing and printing portfolios of my bodies of work. That is, to put more effort into getting my work in front of gallery directors. And/or writing a book, significant overview of my pictures included, about my approach, thoughts and ideas on the medium and its apparatus. Which also leads to ...

THINKING ITEM # 5: a hankering for a more focused approach to picture making. That is to write, less discursive promiscuity in order to concentrate on a specific body of work - existing or new - and by doing so, giving myself the chance to go 'deep'.

And so it goes. Just thought I'd let you know what I'm thinking.

FYI, more new pictures posted on

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