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« diptych # 214 / civilized ku # 3087 ~ a different look | Main | civilized ku # 3086 ~ testing, testing »

testing, testing, 1 2 3, testing ~ the end of times

FYI, you can view my first PS Express processed pictures which I processed and posted to WordPress while on the road in NYC HERE or You can view them on Instagram HERE

In either case, let me know what you think.

SquareSpace is turning out to completely FUBAR.

As mentioned previously, on my desktop and laptop machines uploading works most of the time but resizing not so much (as in almost all the time) and resizing not all when using the iPad Air 2. And the iPad is what I want to use during my upcoming Ireland / Scotland trip, not to mention multiple other trips during the month of May.

The SS problems seem to be driven by the fact that I am not on their latest and greatest platform. I have given consideration to moving up to the l&g but there are 2 problems with that -1. moving my content from existing site to the new SS is platform is an iffy proposition at best (SS states quite clearly that they are not optimized for content transfer), and 2. when exploring the platform upgrade possibility, I discovered that I would need to upgrade my entire OS in order to upgrade to the latest and greatest Safari browser.

So, for the time being, I will continue to post on SS when I am at my desktop machine where the chances of a successful upload and resize (by means of multiple retrys and workarounds) is still possible. However, that written, I am reasonably certain that my days with SS are numbered and the countdown has begun. In the meantime, I have found a solution to blogging / posting while on the road ...

... enter WordPress. After setting up a WordPress site this AM, I was able to upload and publish pictures - from my iPhone, iPad Air 2, and Macbook Air - with no problems. In addition, the site is automatically optimized for mobile devices. O joy!

While I need to spend more time customizing the WordPress site, at this time it seems like that just my be my blogging platform of choice.

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