diptych # 145 (kitchen sink / kitchen life) ~ made with my new OM-D E-M5

kitchen life ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
In the case of the OM-D-M5, the camera (body only) can be yours for close to half the price it sold for for most its run as a flagship model. While the new Mark II model does have some useful new features, the earlier model has everything I want - the same sensor as the Mark II (and my E-p5s). And, since I am strictly a manual control RAW picture maker, any of the new and improved features of the Mark II are of little interest to me. Just give me easy shutter and aperture controls and easy access to a control panel on which I can make easy adjustments to ISO, focus settings, and (occasionally WB settings), and I'm a very happy camper.
If there was a picture making reason for the purchase, it would be for the EVF which I will use when making pictures of Hugo playing hockey. In that same vein, the OM-D E-M5 hockey camera setup, utilizing a long-reach zoom lens, is such an incredible difference from the weary hauling around of my heavy and cumbersome Olympus E-5 DSLR. That camera seems destined for use as a very expensive paperweight.
After only a few days of use, I have come to conclusion that I will most likely make pictures using the LCD screen, the same as I do with my E-P5s, with the exception mentioned above.
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