ku # 1324 (with a hint of civilized ku) / diptych # 168 ~ rocket surgeon

autumn color + graffiti ~ near Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

autumn color ~ near Au Sable Forks / near Inlet, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
Re: my eye and sensibilities - screamist or subtleist, neither manner of looking and seeing is "right" or "wrong". Although, differing schools of picture making may decree otherwise. But of course, there are differing opinions on which school of picture making is "right" or "wrong". All of which makes the picture making world go 'round.
And now for something completely different ....
The phrase, "It doesn't take a brain surgeon ..." is most often used to imply that whatever follows that phrase is easy to understand or undertake. "Brain surgeon" (or its oft used alternative, "rocket scientist") implies a higher level of intelligence which isn't required for the task at hand.
That written, I will, from this day forward, no long use the "brain surgeon" nomenclature to denote higher intelligence. No, not after this (makes me proud to be an American) from neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Republican Party candidate for President of the United States ....Arguing that the Second Amendment is more sacred than spilled blood, Ben Carson said that as a doctor, he had removed many bullets from the bodies of gunshot victims. But he said the right to bear arms was paramount ....
“I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away."
Reader Comments (1)
Mark, re your analysis on surgeon/scientist metaphors . . .
I've reached the stage in my life where I just turn and move forward, muttering, "Why am I not surprised anymore?".
Regards and happy picturing, Jim Roelofs