diptych # 81 (delite / de light) / civilized ku # 2778 ~ rain

Donuts Delite / Blue Mountain Lake ~ Rochester, NY / The Hedges • Blue Mountain Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
main lodge porch ~ The Hedges • Blue Mountain Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen3 pictures, in light rain, made 200 miles and almost exactly 24 hours apart. In each instance, it was the atmospheric condition (and each referent) which caused me to stop my car and make the picture. As I have mentioned previously, I really enjoy making pictures in the rain.
PS In the past, I have consumed many a donut from Donuts Delite (when it was just a donut store) and have stayed at The Hedges many times - mostly likely nearly 100 times (but who's counting).
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