civilized ku # 2738 ~ jumping off a cliff

porch and flowers ~ Chaffey's Lock cottage, CA • click to embiggen
To us, the difference between the photographer as an individual eye and the photographer as an objective recorder seems fundamental, the difference often regarded, mistakenly, as separating photography as art from photography as document. But both are logical extensions of what photography means: note-taking on, potentially, everything in the world, from every possible angle.
I am about to embark on a course of action which, potentially, could very difficult and fraught with danger - changing my computer and updating every thing that needs to be updated. It's kind of scary inasmuch as every thing needs to be updated - software and especially print drivers / color profiles.
The first order of business is to join the iCloud via the Adobe Creative Suite. While that should be a fairly easy undertaking, I am not happy with the fact that I am tethered to the iCloud - financially until the end of (my) time and at those times when I am not tethered to the iCloud via the internet, I am out of business, so to speak, since the software does not reside on my computer. Welcome to the future (I have been very happy and content to live in the past, computer wise, but time waits for no man).
Until I have worked out the print driver / color profiles issues, whatever they might be, on the new computer, I am keeping the old computer in service as my printing station. This is my most worrisome undertaking. My current printing workflow is spot on the money and replicating that performance on the new machine and its updates may be a frustrating pain in the ass. Hope not but I'll be taking daytime naps to compensate for my restless / sleepless nights until that mission is accomplished.
FYI, once the change over is made I do not anticipate any problems / issues with posting to the blog but ....... Wish me luck.

Featured Comment: Paul Bradforth (no link provided) wrote:
"Mark, a couple of things:
1) I think it's quite important to get nomenclature right so you don't add any confusion of your own. "iCloud" is an Apple product, and is entirely separate to Adobe's "Cloud" offerings. "iCloud" has nothing to do with Photoshop.
2) When you subscribe to Adobe's cloud apps, the software does reside on your computer. You may need to access the cloud from time to time simply to 'prove' your subscription, but I think that's a rare occurrence. You can use the software at any time, without being connected to the Internet. At least, that's my understanding of it."
my response: Thanks for the clarification on things. I was hoping this entry would incite such a response. And indeed, iCloud should read as Creative Cloud.
Reader Comments (1)
Mark, a couple of things:
1) I think it's quite important to get nomenclature right so you don't add any confusion of your own. "iCloud" is an Apple product, and is entirely separate to Adobe's "Cloud" offerings. "iCloud" has nothing to do with Photoshop.
2) When you subscribe to Adobe's cloud apps, the software *does* reside on your computer. You may need to access the cloud from time to time simply to 'prove' your subscription, but I think that's a rare occurrence. You can use the software at any time, without being connected to the Internet. At least, that's my understanding of it.