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« civilized ku # 2755-56 ~ my Renoir moment | Main | civilized ku # 2752 ~ tell everything to your lawyer »

diptych # 70 (civilized ku # 2753-54) / ku # 1278 ~ the actual world is full of surprise

sunset ~ Duck Island / Lower Saranac Lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen
dresser tops ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen

If photography is about anything it is the deep surprise of living in the ordinary world. By virtue of walking through the fields and streets of this planet, focusing on the small and the unexpected, conferring attention on the helter-skelter juxtapositions of time and space, the photographer reminds us that the actual world is full of surprise, which is precisely that most people, imprisoned in habit and devoted to the familiar, tend to forget. ~ John Rosenthal

IMO, 'most people' in our modern culture - especially so in the good ole USofA - have not forgotten about 'the deep surprise of living in the ordinary world'. In fact, most people are hard at work avoiding the ordinary world. The pursuit of consumerist diversions, in which they invest their meaning of life, is what they believe the world should be. For them, the next big thing is where it's at - next up, wearable computers.

This predilection also manifests itself in the picture making world. For most serious amateur picture makers the pursuit of the grand and glorious takes precedence over the 'merely' ordinary. And, even when encountering the grand and glorious, they tend to trick it up beyond all recognition, aka: the world as it actually is. In their heart of hearts they want everybody to feel good (not a bad thing, per se) - don't worry, be happy. Ain't life grand.

While, I would not try to deny those picture makers their picture making happiness, I do, nevertheless, believe they are sending the wrong signals. Sure enough, life can be grand for some, but, for me, the grand life - and good pictures - is found in other quarters.

Reader Comments (1)

Really like that quote. And what you have added too.

Words to live (photograph) by!

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Linn

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