kitchen life # 50 ~ kicking butt

full sink ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenOnce again I find myself in a strange (but extremely comfortable) bed which is located approximately 130 miles from home. The bed is in an amazing country inn - a farmhouse which has been restored to very high level in the American Craftsman style. The wife and I are where we are because she has an early court appearance today so it made sense to get here last evening and be well rested this AM rather than getting up well before the crack of dawn and being somewhat frazzled after a long drive.
In any event, at breakfast this AM - prepared by the couple who own the place - I was chatting with the owner/husband (a really nice and interesting guy), the retired Athletic Director at nearby St. Lawrence University, and the subject turned to sports related stuff. Before he was the AD, he was the wrestling coach at SLU so I mentioned that I had had a rather successful high school wrestling career. Long story shot, he had coached several wrestlers at SLU who were from my high school and, consequently knew my HS coach quite well.
Small world. But it gets even smaller.
Again, long story short, I mentioned that I had recently seen my coach at my HS Athletic Hall of Fame induction event. I was inducted, not for wrestling, but for football - I was part of football team which went undefeated playing a schedule against some of the best teams throughout NY State. At that point he asked me "what year was that?" I answered, "1964." He replied, "Man, you guys really kicked our butts all over the field. I think the score was 22-0."
So, how small world is that? 50 years ago I was kicking this guy's butt all over the playing field and now I find myself sharing a breakfast table with him at his wonderful country inn. Life is strange.
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