civilized ku # 2490-94 + # 2888 (a repeat) ~ please show me more

Park # 1 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggen
Park # 2 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggen
Park # 3 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggen
Park # 4 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggen
Park # 5 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggen
Park # 5 ~ Queens, NY • click to embiggenOne of the problems I have with one-off "greatest hit" pictures is the fact that, to my eye and sensibilities, I am usually left wanting more.
A single picture, no matter how interesting / involving it might be, seems to me to be like a phrase or, at best, a sentence. Whereas a picture essay or body of work seems much more like a paragraph or an extended narrative and, therefore, much more satisfying. More like a complete meal as opposed to a single course - there's a lot more meat on the bone to chew on.
That written, therein is the reason I regularly visit a site such as LENS/CRATCH (as an example) where the work of a picture maker is presented as grouping of related (by concept or referent) pictures. Not that I like all of the work presented, but, one way or another, I do get a very good feel for what a picture maker is attempting to say.
On the other hand, I also visit sites where pictures are not presented in a group but, nevertheless, come across as an ongoing narrative unified by a singular manner of seeing. John Linn's A Second Look is an excellent example of such a site. On his site, John's diverse referents are indeed unified by his consistent vision of what could be labeled as life observed. The net result for me is an ongoing interest in what he has to reveal about his everyday existence - not to overlook his rather refined visual sense of form and its resultant beauty.
In any event, in either case and to my eye and sensibilities, quantity = quality.
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