diptych # 46 ~ an affection for life

Autumn views ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Landscape pictures can offer us, I think, three verities - geography, autobiography, and metaphor. Geography is, if taken alone, sometimes boring, autobiography is frequently trivial, and metaphor can be dubious. But taken together, as in the best work .... the three kinds of information strengthen each other and reinforces what we all work to keep intact - an affection for life. ~ Robert Adams
Geography = on High Peaks Golf Course / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK. Autobiography = me, what I see and how I see it. Metaphor = an affection for all things life, matter how commonplace.
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for that Robert Adams quote. I read his book when I first saw it mentioned years ago here on the landscapist, but do not remember this very sentence. Probably it's time to re-read it.