civilized ku # 2316 ~ this one's for Colin

Chicken coop / gloves ~ Blue Mt. Lake, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenOn ku # 1167, Colin Griffiths wrote:
It could be Scotland, and I'm sure that I can even smell the air! It looks like the kind of area that I could get passionate about ...
my response: Colin, thanks for the comment. In many areas here, I am certain that there some similarities between Scotland and the Adirondacks with the 2 primary differences being: 1) we've got lots of trees just about everywhere, and, 2) Scotland seems to have more gloves lying about.
Reader Comments (1)
Ha, ha,I feel honored! I'm looking forward to the winter because I think I'll see more varieties of lost gloves to record ~ there's only so many times you record lost rigger's gloves. You would be right about the trees. Huge areas of Scotland's Caledonian Forest's went up in smoke hundreds of years ago, then many more acres were lost when folk found out how to smelt iron ore with charcoal, then again during the world wars when Canadian loggers were drafted in. It's ironic really, that the "wilderness" landscape we fight so hard to preserve is really a manmade one.