civilized ku # 2328-36 ~ state fair

Roasting pig / NYS State Fair ~ Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Rear ends ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Chinese gourmet ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Fried dough ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Funnel cakes ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Cows / redhead ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Train / midway ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggen
Chicken ~ NYS Fair / Syracuse, NY • click to embiggenIMO, if you can't see something to picture at a state fair, you must be blind as a bat. I can not think of a more concentrated place/space which is so incredibly target rich. And after this year's visit to the Fair, I have vowed to return next year for 2 days of picturing.
High on my list is to concentrate on food vendors - there must be hundreds of them and all of them are incredibly over-the-top, signage wise. Then there are the animals and the surrounding fair life of their owners / handlers - aka: farmers. That's an interesting culture unto itself. And, of course, there's the midway and the freak / side shows - the bearded lady, the world's smallest horse, et al. Of special interest to me would be making a series of on-the-spot portraits of carnival barkers who are a show all by themselves.
In any event, the more I think about it, 2 days may not be enough time to cover it all. Maybe that's why the Fair is 7 days long.
FYI, the food vendor pictures were made while the wedding couple and the wife and I were riding around in the Fair parade.
Reader Comments (3)
Mmmm something is missing.
It's refreshing to see that I'm not the only person that likes to photograph at the fair/carnival.
Rear ends? Made me laugh.
Nice pictures.