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« civilized ku # 2277 ~ the end is within sight | Main | picture windows # 48 ~ flowers »

civilized ku # 2275 ~ speaking of degrees

Fly fishing ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenThis picture was made during the Sunday Night Light Show event. It was made just moments before the making of the Main Street bridge picture. The picture was made looking away from the sun/clouds goings on.

FYI, it is my normal picturing custom, when confronted by a glorious blazing sunset, to turn away (90-180 degrees) and make what I consider to be much more interesting pictures.

And, BTW, speaking of 90-180 degrees, I'm fairly certain that the temperature today here on the South Jersey Shore is somewhere near the high end of that range. That's why, at 10AM, I'm sitting on a shaded front porch, in the pathway of an air-moving electric fan at my side, while watching all the insane people, if not jogging, then hurtling by on their 5 million dollar road bicycles. The only moderately insane ones are either out for a speed walk or walking their dogs.

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