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« civilized ku # 2266-74 ~ light show | Main | civilized # 2259-62 / ku # 1160 ~ it's how one sees the world »

civilized ku # 2263-65 + nothing ~ chance punishes the un-prepared

Coyote puppy ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen1044757-19632864-thumbnail.jpg
# 8 green / Mountain Course / Lake Placid Resort GC ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
# 9 green / Mountain Course / Lake Placid Resort GC ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
# 8 green / Mountain Course / Lake Placid Resort GC ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Late yesterday afternoon, as I was coming over the rise from which I could see # 9 green - golf note, the 2nd shot into # 9 green is a blind shot, only the top half of the stick and flag are visible - there, playfully hopping around behind the green was a coyote puppy. He/she looked to be having puppy fun while pursuing insects which he/she processed to eat.

Upon reaching the green, the coyote kept his/her distance - about 15 feet - and displayed no real alarm to my presence. I later learned that he/she had stolen golf balls from the green and then deposited them in the woods, only to return and patiently wait for more balls to appear.

After sinking my putt, I approached the puppy to get a closer look. He/she appeared to be very healthy - a beautiful full coat, bright eyes, a cautious alertness, no signs of emaciation, and a very inquisitive nature. Long story short, I sat on the ground and the puppy eventually approached and sniffed my outstretched hand.

While he/she was very cautious, I began to suspect that, with no parent in sight, the puppy was most likely abandoned because he/she had not had much, if any, instruction regarding human contact, aka - instilled fear. Although, it's possible that mom was just out hunting for the day and would return later with dinner and some parental supervision. It's also possible that mom (or dad - coyotes are 'family' creatures) were, in fact, very nearby, just out of sight. They have been known to do exactly that - leaving their young to fend for themselves, while they keep an eye on the goings on.

In any event, I did something yesterday I very rarely do - I made a very conscious decision to not take a camera with me out on the golf course. For some strange reason, I figured I had made every picture worth making on my home course over the past 11 years. I mean, what more could there be out there of which to make a picture?

So, in honor my stupidity, I have posted the blank frame on which my encounter with the coyote puppy should have been made. I will refer to it on a regular basis just to remind myself how luck and chance favor the prepared.

FYI, the golf course pictures posted in this entry were made later in the evening, and a beautiful evening it was, when I returned, cameras in hand, to the scene of the earlier encounter. Alas, the puppy was nowhere in sight. That just might mean that he/she has hooked up with his/her parents and will live happily ever after.

BTW, I intend to return to the scene of my picturing ignominy again today. This time with both golf clubs and cameras in my possession.

Reader Comments (3)

Do you carry a mobile (cell) photo with a built-in camera?

I only mention this as this exact issue appears on TOP.

July 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSven W

That first picture looks a little under exposed.

July 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Linn

A great reminder Mark for anyone that wants to be more creative.

August 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCraig Tanner

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