rain # 1 / ku # 1155-57 ~ water, in one state or another

Evening downpour ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Splash # 1 ~ Bog River Flow / Low's Lake - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Splash # 2 ~ Bog River Flow / Low's Lake - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Splash # 3 ~ Bog River Flow / Low's Lake - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggen
Splash # 4 ~ Bog River Flow / Low's Lake - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenI've been spending some time thinking about starting a new body of work. A number of possible picturing referents have come to mind but none have really lit my fire.Then, purely by happenstance, as Hugo was tossing rocks into the water during our recent wilderness canoe trek, thoughts of Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton and his milk drop pictures came to mind.
Next thing I know, I've got a camera in hand and Hugo's launching rocks for my picturing pleasure (3...2...1,throw). And, on one occasion, even wife got into the act.
Upon returning home and processing the splash pictures, it occurred to me that a picture series of splashes - like snowflakes, no two splashes are alike - all made in different bodies of water and different light conditions, would make a pretty darn interesting body of work. So, there, unbidden and unplanned, is a new picturing endeavor.
Then, last evening, during a torrential downpour, I stepped out on the porch and made a few pictures. Once again, it came to me that rain and the atmospheric light which comes with it would also make an interesting picture series. So, voila, there's another picturing endeavor to tackle.
Consequently, it would seem that there's a lot of water in my picturing future. Even though some might think I'm all wet, nevertheless, one might say, "when it rains it pours" (new bodies of work wise).
FYI, no multiple frame shooting technique was used in the making of the splash pictures and that's how I'll continue to make those pictures. I think that part of the picturing surprise / mystery of a splash is to capture them one frame / one splash at a time. So, while there will be a lot of water in my picturing future, I'll also be hauling around a lot of rocks.
Reader Comments (1)
Splash #1 is my favorite. I like the contrast between the splash and the stillness of the water.