ku # 1151 ~ I'm back

Reflection ~ Bog River Flow / Low's Lake, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenWell, I'm sorta back inasmuch as I am no longer in the wilderness. Instead, I'm in a hotel room in Lake Placid accompanying the wife at a conference. In any event, I'm back from my wilderness excursion, very relaxed, a little bit older and a little bit wiser (don't address your wife by your ex-wife's name).
That said, during our canoe trip, I made many more pictures than I thought I would. Having been to the wilderness area we traveled many times before, I really thought I had exhausted most of the picturing possibilities to be found in that location. Boy, was I wrong.
Over the next week or so, I'll post many of the pictures made on this wilderness trip. Referent wise, some of those pictures surprise even me. As always, I'll be curious to read your opinions.
Reader Comments (2)
You are so right about that ex-wife thing!
Wonderful color and texture. Interesting image layers.