civilized ku # 2229 ~ hard drive set up

Field expediency method, illustrated ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenCurrently, I am using a rather unconventional set up for one of my external hard drives. The set up goes like this -
As can be seen, the hard drive which is not in a case is wired to the control board of another hard drive which is in a case, but disconnected. That situation is due to the fact that the hard drive not in the case was unable to mount because of a failed control board in the case to which was accustomed, or so I was told by a tech support guy. A guy who also told me that, in all likelihood, the hard drive itself was not fried.
He suggested that I buy a hard drive case to which I could connect the hard drive and, hopefully, it would mount. Sounded like a good idea but in the interim, I had purchased a new external hard drive to replace the one with the problem.
While waiting for a tech guy friend to advise me, re: which case to buy, the new hard drive arrived. How lucky for me, because 2 days after the new hard drive arrived, I was contacted by a client who needed a 4c ad ASAP (the closing date for the publication was in the past). No problem .... except all of the client's files, to include their logo (which I had designed and created) was on the malfunctioning hard drive.
Desperate times being what they are, I took a chance and a couple of screwdriver uses later, I came up with the arrangement pictured above. And, it worked - the hard drive mounted and all of the files on it were intact. So, there it sits until the new case arrives. At which time, I'll reconnect the in-the-case hard drive and transfer all the stuff from the other hard drive to it - 1 TB of stuff.
BTW, when I was in the army, they used to teach us all of the by-the-book ways of doing things. However, when things got hot (bullets flying and all that), all that went out the window and we were advised to get it done (whatever it was) by using the field expediency method. A method which, at its root, is basically, anything goes, just get it done.
Reader Comments (1)
It's interesting to see that the Christmas dinner menu 2009 got in the shot too.