civilized ku # 2195 ~ puzzle piece

Buildings ~ Plattsburgh, NY • click to embiggenOn yesterday's entry, civilized ku # 2193-94, John Linn wrote:
Looking at you post this morning was a bit of jolt considering my post last night. Your comments and observations make me want take down the picture, after all is is not a favorite anyway.
I have to say I am often drawn to details in trees and clouds and water, so the resulting image is more about texture, light and color rather than providing the viewer the experience of "the scene in front of me."
my response: John, I viewed the picture in question early this AM before you made your comment. My first reaction was, "nice". While, IMO, I don't consider the picture a stand alone grand prize winner, I do believe that it fits very nicely in your growing If you want to see, you have to Look body of work, which, IMO, is beginning to evidence real promise.
It's quite possible that, within the totality of that body of work, you will end up with an interesting sub-genre body of work of "details ... more about texture, light and color" pictures. One which, if exhibited as a cohesive body of work, would be visually rich and interesting.
So, I would advise against taking it down or thinking it to be a sub-par individual image. Rather, think about it as an interlocking piece of your picturing puzzle.
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for your kind words.