environmental self-portrait

Action figure ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenThe effete Canadians call their museum stores "boutiques", except for the "boutique" at the Canada Science & Technology Museum where it is called the "scientique".
That cultural reference aside, as Hugo and I were perusing the stuff on offer in the "scientique", I espied an Albert Einstein Action Figure and thought, "What sentient and thinking person wouldn't want such a figure?" So, I purchased one. My only disappointment was that it didn't include some miniature chalk and a small blackboard. I mean, really - what the hell else would Albert be doing, action wise?
However, my disappointment was much mitigated when Hugo opened the package and declared, "Grandpa, it looks like you." Upon my inspection of the figure, I must admit that he has a point. That point has since been seconded by quite a few others. Although, to be fair: a) I only look like that on a bad hair day or, on many occasions, first thing in the morning, and, b) the figure does lack my ultra-chic $1,000 eyewear.
All of that said, my current dilemma centers around the question of whether I should keep the figure next to my computer as a constant reminder of my innate genius-ness, or, do I rubber cement it to the dashboard of the wife's car as a constant reminder of how lucky she is?
Reader Comments (3)
You should disregard that second option if you know what's good for you. I'm just sayin'.
You should construct some cool glasses to add to the doll. Maybe find a little camera to hang from its neck.
You even found a small roll of seamless!