civilized ku # 2103 ~ my current heart's desire

Sky King tricycle ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenI spied this little beauty late last December while Xmas shopping at a local antique / collectibles store. Since that time, it has resided at the very top of my Wanter List, even above things picture making.
Unfortunately, the wife says, "no way". In part, her "reasoning" is that we have nowhere in the house to put / display it. Little does she know that, in the absence of a shrink ray to get me down to Sky King riding size, I want to weld it onto the roof of my car.
On the other hand, maybe the wife will get pregnant and then she'll let me get it for our love child.
BTW, the followup to yesterday's entry, profundity and tableaux vivant, will be coming later today.
Reader Comments (2)
It's a beaut! But I think it would be a shame to medss with it to get it on your car?
Absolutely lovely item. Get it. Tell the wife you'll suffer needless grief if you don't get it. Tell her it's for the "child within". Perhaps you'll get another grandchild - who could come over and play with it from time to time.