FYI ~ off topic

Blood pressure monitor ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenSince obtaining my iPad, it has become a very handy and useful device. Some of those uses are picture based - downloading RAW files from a card to see picturing results on the fly and picture albums for portfolio style use, to name a just 2.
The iPad has also become quite handy since the loss of our only sort of nearby bookstore (a Borders) last year. I now get most of my books online and am reading them on the device. Not something I intended to do but I've acclimated myself to using it for that purpose.
That said, the newest iPad capability I am now using is its function as a blood pressure monitor.
After my recent AFib events, my cardiologist said I should take my blood pressure everyday, adjust 1 of my meds according the results, and keep a diary of the BP readings. That didn't seem like a big deal until I discovered that most BPMs available in drugstores are a pieces of crap - after taking one to my doctor to compare readings (his vs. mine), the results were so far off as to be totally useless.
Long story short, after doing some online research, I came across a BPM designed to work with the iPad, iPod, and iPhone. I ordered one and so far, so good. It has made the whole procedure easy - download their app, hookup the device to the iPad, and hit the Start button. The device not only takes a reading - it can also be set to take 3 successive readings and give an average result (with Morning, Day, and Evening settings as well) - but it also automatically creates a diary of the reading which is ready for emailing to my doctor right from the iPad.
IMO, that's technology I can live with. Highly recommended if you need to monitor your blood pressure.
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