ku # 1138 ~ rare sighting

Artic/Tundra swans ? Vermont Green Mts. ~ Lake Champlain / Peru, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenUnfortunately, I did not have my 400mm (35mm equiv.) lens with me when I saw these, very rare for these parts, 3 Artic/Tundra swans on Lake Champlain - 2 adults + 1 young swans. The swans seem to have taken up winter residency on Lake Champlain near Au Sable Point. They are rarely seen around here but the mild winter has allowed them to hang out here rather than much farther south down the Atlantic Coast.
I could use this sighting to launch into a weather-weirding / climate-change scree but it's a nice day and I don't want to upset the flat-earth / anti-science crowd.
FYI, I'll most likely head back to Au Sable Point with the long lens.
Reader Comments (1)
Here is a bit of explanation about the weather. It is a combination of factors that are keeping the jet stream further north than normal.