civilized ku # 2431 ~ Merry Holly Daze to one and all
It seems like very time I go to our village drugstore to renew one of my prescriptions - 6 and counting - I end up buying one (or more) of these little sculpted in the USA / manufactured in China figurines. Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been a sucker for miniature things. Don't know why, it just is.
In any event, I pictured my most recent purchases for use as our family Xmas card.
Reader Comments (3)
Merry Christmas Mark to you and your family
Fleas Nova Duh
…Or somthin' like that.
Shock! Horror! Your Xmas card looks more like a 4:3 ratio :-)
Thanks for the effort you put into your blog. Best wishes to you and your family.