triptych # 8 ~ munching my way to Armageddon

Rulfs Orchards ~ Peru, NY • click to embiggenRulfs Orchard is one of the regular stops on our farm store shopping rota. One of the advantages of where we live is the fact that the wife and I get a lot of our beef, pork, chicken, produce and fruit directly from local farms and we're here to tell you that there ain't nothing like farm fresh food.
Rulfs Orchard is our primary source of apples (8 varieties) but they also grow strawberries, blueberries, vegetables, sweet corn, pumpkins & more. All of that is all well and good but as far as I'm concerned the real bonus is an on-premise bakery featuring homemade crumb & pastry pies, cream pies, fruit pies, donuts (as Homer Simpson might say, " Mmmmm, donuts. Is there anything they can't do?"), cookies, breads, muffins, sticky bnuns, and cakes.
The way I figure it, if I eat enough of Rulfs fresh fruit and vegetables, I can eat as much of the bakery stuff as I can stuff down my gullet. No problem. Right?
Reader Comments (2)
"sticky nuns"?
I heard that those were "habit" forming.
Correction. Rulfs is not our primary source of apples. Northern orchards is.