triptych # 3 ~ dreams of yesteryear

Lake Champlain / Vermont / snow squall ~ view from Peru, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenThere's rarely a day which goes by during which I don't pine for making pictures with my Bronica and color negative film.
However, soon after that somewhat nostalgia induced desire pops into my head, I remember things like finding a source for dependable high quality film processing (not to mention a film source), film and processing $$$$, running to the post office, Kodak's bankruptcy, dust / film scratches, scanning, and, did I mention dust and film scratches?
It's at that point that my brain overrules my heart and I return to the world of digital picture making.
Reader Comments (1)
Funny that, I was waxing lyrical about my Ebony SW23 today and how wonderful it and my Schnieder XL lenses were. I wouldn't swap it back for what I use today though, and I wouldn't get nearly as much creative satisfaction either.