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« civilized ku # 2063-65 ~ out and about - reading / looking suggestions | Main | civilized ku # 2061 ~ going for the trifecta »

civilized ku # 2062 ~ this winter sucks

Backyard light ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack Park • click to embiggenThis winter has been terrible, assuming, of course, that winter is for snow and winter outdoor activities.

Here we are at the end of January and there is no snow of any consequence on the ground. Since Thanksgiving, the cycle has been a little snowfall, followed by rain, followed by freezing temperatures. Repeat the cycle every fives days or so and what you have is patchy crusty crap all over the place.

So far, this winter sucks.

Reader Comments (2)

How, tell me about it! Here in the San Francisco Bay area we've so far had two storms. Two storms! Every damn day has been sunny and 60 this winter. The Lake Tahoe ski season is, well, not a season. It's been mini golf and ice cream all winter, except for a few resorts who can make enough man made snow. I think the snow level is something like .05% of normal, which is going to kick the state a hundred miles into drought territory.

Sure, the sun has improved my mood, but dang I used to love cold, wet winters. And it was my favorite photography season.


January 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Well down here in west central Illinois we are kind of used to relatively mild winters but this year it's been non-existent. As a matter of fact I am getting confused on a daily basis as to which season I am living in. Yesterday it was 65 degrees. Today it will be about the same. January 31st. Not March 31st.

January 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary Dennis

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