civilized ku # 1057 ~ wishing I were there (much more temporate)

Overlooking Mirror Lake and Whiteface Mt. ~ Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenI have been missing in action, blog-o-sphere wise, because I am currently trying to deal with the annual hot-and-humid vacation from (in) hell (aka: the south Jersey Shore).
That said, I have experienced an upside to being here this week - the beginnings of a new body of work, Heaven & Earth. I have not yet processed any of the pictures I have made for this work but I will most likely do so - using my "antiquated" methodology - when I lock myself in the air-conditioned bedroom and refuse to go out into the scorchingly hot light of day.
Another bit of good news is that the gallery owner who represents me and my pictures here at the Jersey Shore is very eager to put some of my newer Shore work on the walls of his gallery. He says he is doing very well selling photographs - very high-priced photographs, $1,000.00+ and up. Upon hearing this request (last night at 10:30PM), I was very tempted to hop in the car hightail it back to the Adirondacks and my "darkroom" - the room in indeed endarkened - for a bit of processing and printing.
However - and I can hardly believe I'm saying this - I will mostly likely be returning to the shore in very short order to continue the Heaven & Earth thing - a body of work which has a very dark / primordial / ethereal / beginning of time - creation of the earth look and feel.
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