civilized ku # 995 ~ wherein I rest my case

A sign of things to come? ~ Warrensburg, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenSo I'm driving through the PARK - barely 45 minutes after dropping off my life without the APA work - on a road that I haven't been on for 10+ years (or more), when what to my wandering eyes should appear ....
I was sorrily tempted to knock on the door and give the idiot-in-residence a copy of the life without the APA book but then I figured doing so might result in a very unpleasant scene. I mean anyone anti-APA feverish enough to put that sign on his/her house might just think throwing me and my book off his/her porch is the proper thing to do. And, it was beyond my imagining to think whatever I might have to say on the subject would be anything other than the equivalent of pissing into the wind.
After all, as the saying goes, you should never try to teach a pig to sing - it's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Reader Comments (5)
It's unclear to me what their beef is, but I live in the forest and use well water so pristine is a good thing. It's part of my liberty.
I checked out the website noted on the sign, and while the hyperbole may fly with the choir; to me it came off as ranting with no objective.
You could mail him/her a book.
Might be worthwhile adding this image to the exhibition?
Check out the "sky high" salaries in the web page link. Hoo boy, somebody should check out banker's pay down here if they really want to put up a fuss. That's nuthin'.