FYI ~ errand boy - on the road again

Ready to go ~ on the floor / Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenAnother disaster averted - it's always a crap shoot anytime you try something new and my newest framing / print presentation solution is no exception. However, the framing force was with me and the whole enterprise came off with very minimal complications.
The hoped for look of the matte/glazing-less white metal frame presentation is a resounding success. Not only does it look great - all the emphasis is on the picture - but, as mentioned previously, the cost was extremely low - $40.00USD for the entire 24"×24" assembly - and the assembly itself was a breeze.
So, today, it's off to Blue Mt. Lake and the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts to drop off my prints and book. From there it's on to NYC to pick up some of The Cinemascapist's framed pictures and to help my friend with his recent North Sea cruise pictures. My return trip will take me through Cooperstown - home of the Baseball Hall of Fame - where I will drop off The Cinemascapist's pictures at a gallery for an exhibit.
I'll be posting entries as I go, so stay tuned and wish me luck and good gas mileage.
Reader Comments (2)
big thanks for the pickup/delivery!
Good luck. As for the gas mileage…? Well… what can I say.