civilized ku # 989 / ku # 970 ~ giving aid

Fog in The Notch ~ Wilmington / Lake Placid, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIt has been suggested - first by Anil Rao, seconded by Sven W (no link provided) - that:
Number 5, however, seemed a little odd to me. The small picture just seems to be a crop of the larger one, sans the building and the power lines. Those items could very well really have been there and just not included in the frame, if you get my drift.
FYI, "number 5" refers to life without the APA ~ number five as seen in the life without the APA photobook (which can be viewed here).
The fact of the matter, re: why I used the commented upon original picture, is simple - even though the road, river, and fog (as seen in number five) were pulled from the above pano, that pano was made from a 5 frame merge, one of which was the commented upon square picture. Consequently, I used it as the original source.
However, for the observant viewer, lwtAPA~#5 has several visual clues which indicate the original is not just a crop of the #5 picture. Most noticeable, there is more foreground road and river as well as more river and far bank (on the right) in the original than there is in lwtAPA~#5. It goes without stating, it is not possible to crop a picture and end up more visual information than there was in the un-cropped version.
That said, I could be persuaded to use the pano in the next printing of the photobook. The reason I did not use it first time around was because the art director / graphic arts designer in me wanted visual continuity in the book's spread layout.
At this point, with the aid of hindsight and some insightful comment from you, the viewers, I think I will tell the art director / graphic arts designer in my head to stuff it and use the pano instead of the original square picture.
Anil/Sven, thanks for the help.
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