civilized ku # 981 ~ buzzzzz....

Droppings and trimmings ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenI'm off to the frame shop to drop off the life without the APA prints. IMnsHO, they look great.
On an interesting (to me) side note, apparently a few regional and connected visitors to The Landscapist have taken note of the life without the APA pictures and have spread the word. The recent the complete collection entry is getting lots of visits via Twitter, Facebook, and a few other Adirondack online forums.
One link stated: I just saw these on the ol Twitter feed, too good and thought provoking not to link to, enjoy! - exactly the response I was hoping for from this body of work.

Featured Comment: Dennis Allshouse (no link provided) wrote: "I've been wondering about dry mounting ink jet prints. Here I'm thinking old school with the tissue and press. I was concerned about the heat damaging the print...
my response: Actually, heat, tissue, and a dry mount press are still part of the dry mounting process. However, both the tissue and the heat (much lower temps with tissue adapted for lower temps) are different for dry mounting inkjet prints.
Reader Comments (2)
yeah... I was at Hugo's school "field days of fun" today and one of the dad's of hugo's classmate came over and said he's had the idea for years to do something like that, but just lacks artistic ability. He always wanted to show photos like that to people that complain about the restrictions of building what they want because of the APA. Apparently the images are making the rounds in Saranac Lake for sure.
I've been wondering about dry mounting ink jet prints. Here I'm thinking old school with the tissue and press. I was concerned about the heat damaging the print. I was a little shocked at the price until I looked at foam core prices so I guess 20 bucks is not too bad considering the reduced agro factor. Best wishes for the opening.