pinhole # 2-5 ~ in your face

Hugo • click to embiggen
Spring leaf • click to embiggen
Finger pointing • click to embiggen
Pinocchio • click to embiggenOne of the characteristics of pinhole pictures that I have always liked is that of "infinite" depth of field. As stated on the Pinwide website - Place the camera in the grass, and even the closest blades of grass will be as sharp as the trees in the background. Of course, the phrase "as sharp as" needs to be taken with a grain of pinhole salt inasmuch as nothing in a pinhole picture is actually sharp.
Be that as it may, I can state with a high degree of assurance that most of my pinhole endeavors will emphasis the infinite DOF / near/far characteristic created by the Pinwide pinhole.
FYI, Hugo's face was approximately 1-2 inches in front of the Pinwide device(? - after all, it's not a Pinwide lens).
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