civilized ku # 930-31 ~ layer upon layer

ART convey/transport/reflect exhibit ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenOver the past few days there have been a number of comments, questions, and a few private emails (re: several entries) to which I want to respond. However, as you might suspect, I have been busy getting ready for this evening's exhibit opening. After the opening is over, over the next few days, I will respond to all of those aforementioned comments, question, and emails.
That said, I'm delighted to state that the exhibit prints are on the walls and there will be no last minute picture hanging for this opening. I almost feel as though I can actually relax a bit.
In any event, the pictures in this exhibit, ART convey/transport/reflect, were made with the idea that (from my Artist Statement):
All good art attempts to convey a point of view about the world as seen by the artist. As a result of that endeavor, good art has the potential to transport its viewers into a realm of new revelations, discoveries, and insights. In doing so, good art allows its viewers the opportunity to reflect upon the world and their place in / relationship to it.
As should be evident by the referent in all of the pictures - pictures of artwork, the exhibit is about art about art. My idea was to make pictures of art in gallery windows utilizing the reflections in those window to suggest a link between art and the real world. By their semi-transparent and somewhat masking nature, the reflections create a rather ethereal and indistinct visual impression which obfuscates any distinct connection or easily defined relationship between the art and the world outside of the gallery, leaving it up to the viewer to decide /discern what it is they are seeing (literally and figuratively).
IMO, that is one of the hallmarks of good art - leaving it up to the viewer to decide /discern what it is they are seeing.
In any event and despite my disdain for exhibiting pictures under glazing, because reflections are an important part of these pictures, I have decided to present the pictures under glass in order to introduce another layer of reflections. In this case, the added reflections will be of the viewers as they look at the pictures. I want them to see themselves in the pictures in order to reinforce the intrinsic connection between and participatory relationship of the artist and the viewers of their art.
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