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« civilized ku # 847 ~ black and white and color | Main | civilized ku # 845 ~ the somewhat sorry state-of-the-art »

civilized ku # 846 ~ heading home

Counter patrons / Red Robin Diner ~ Binghamtom, NY • click to embiggen
It's Thursday AM and I'm getting ready to get on the road to Au Sable Forks.

My afternoon in Chelsea yesterday was very enjoyable. Saw a number of interesting exhibits and discovered some surprising print display techniques. I'll make an entry about both topics after I return home.

I have also made some good pictures which I find quite surprising inasmuch as, for some reason, I had it in my head prior to the trip that I would not be making many pictures. Don't know why that thought was in my head but it was. Interestingly, there were a number of good picturing opportunities that I did not pursue. However, there were some others that were just too good to pass up.

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