ku # 1136 ~ out of sight / out of mind

Whiteface from Monument Falls ~ Wilmington, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIn response to my whining in the the best ever, most perfect holiday gift - what I want for Xmas entry, Anil Rao contacted me with a holiday gift exchange offer. Anil has created a new folio, Fractured, which he has graciously offered in exchange for some of my work (yet to be determined). I am looking forward to viewing his new folio and I certain that it will be the equal of his Rocks and Stones folio which I already possess.
In his Email, Anil mentioned that his Fractured folio is featured in LensWork Extended #97 (online - membership only) along with an interview with Brooks Jensen. As coincidence would have it, recently, I have been thinking about how, with the passing of Borders bookstore, I have not purchased any photo periodicals in the past 5-6 months - Borders is was the only bookstore within 150 miles - without taking a ferry ride or leaving the country - with a half-decent selection of photo periodicals.
Anil's mention of LensWork, a periodical I would regularly purchase at Borders, reminded me that I should give some thought to subscribing to a number of such magazines. Unfortunately, that prospect creates a few problems for me: 1) I don't necessarily want each and every issue of a given magazine - some issues are not always to my liking, content wise, and being able to browse through them at a newsstand was my method of pick-and-choose, and 2) magazines, via the mail, often show up bruised or mangled and, once again, being able to pick through them at a newsstand for the best condition examples was a plus.
That said, at this time, I don't have an alternative. It's subscriptions or nothing given the fact that I am not about to travel 150 miles every month for the express purpose of buying magazines. So now it would seem that I have another problem - 3) trying to determine which photo magazines are worth subscribing to.
Any suggestions?
Reader Comments (4)
Over the years I have purchased about every photography magazine that's available in the US. I only subscribe to 2 - Lenswork and Silvershotz. Of those I think Silvershotz is the best. It has more diversity that Lenswork, a much wider variety of photography and articles on many different topics. Plus it is very high quality. It is published in Australia.
I'm still waiting for my "grand prize".
Not to split hairs, but there is a new very nice Barnes & Noble on Wolf Road in Albany (135 miles) and a smaller Barnes and Noble in Saratoga Springs (107 miles).
Still traveling over a hundred miles for a magazine is really crazy!
Maybe you've already thought of this, Mark, but you can get online versions of Lenswork and Lenswork Extended at their website. Or,for $59 a year, you can supposedly download all kinds of things, including the year's issues of Lenswork. And you can get them specifically for the iPad. I haven't done it yet, but I'm seriously thinking about it.
Heck, you can't get Lenswork at Borders or B and N or any other actual "store". It's either a subscription or the online thing.