civilized ku # 1180 / food ~ an election day tradition

Remains - chicken biscuit and gravy dinner ~ United Methodist Church / Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIt's a tradition here in the good ol' US of A, on election day, for one organization or another - schools (PTAs), churches, firefighter associations, et al - to prepare (and sell) dinners for those who visit nearby polling places. They are generally fundraisers for the respective organizations / groups. So, yesterday (election day) I picked up 2 chicken biscuit with gravy, mash potatoes, pees, squash, cranberry sauce, Waldorf salad, and apple or pumpkin pie dinners for our dining pleasure.
Not a bad, in fact, a very tasty deal for 8 bucks.
FYI, this picture was made under the dreaded CFL illumination. A scene like this with whites, neutral grays and blacks is idea for nailing a WB setting for CFLs.
Reader Comments (2)
Finish your peas, or no pie for dessert.
I think you've bumped up the contrast, just a tad over the previous CFL image ;)