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« civilized ku # 1195 ~ sure, why not? | Main | civilized ku # 1193 ~ anything that excites me, for any reason ... »

civilized ku # 1194 ~ black friday and other weirdness

Nativity display ~ L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal - Montreal, CA • click to embiggen
My apologies for not posting since last Wednesday. The brief hiatus was due to the fact that, after an enjoyable Thanksgiving with family, the wife and I thought it best to flee the country in order to avoid all of the open-at-midnight, doorbuster, perfect-price!, pepper-spray-the-opposition Black Friday weirdness. The decision to live the life of expatriates, albeit for only 3 days, was a good one. Especially so for the fact that we were able to experience a different form of weirdness - an exhibition at L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal (Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal) of 200 nearly crèches (nativity sets) from over 100 countries around the world.

Truth be told, we had planned, well before Thanksgiving, on visiting our neighbor to the north in order to attend the Pittsburgh Penguin / Montreal Canadian, aka: Pens Vs Habs, hockey game, which, in fact, we did. However, the wife found out about the crèche exhibition prior to our departure and while she didn't make an issue about seeing it, I had no trouble seeing the out-sized monkey on her back which she carried around Montreal for the entire 3 days.

So, prior to our departure back to the good ol' US of A, we climbed (in our car) Mt. Royal and many of the steps of L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal and were amply rewarded with a very interesting (and, at times, weird) look at how the rest of the world sees the birth of the Christ. I pictured a number of the crèches and will share some of them with over next few weeks.

Re: picturing the crèches - I totally missed the no picturing sign. However, that said, I was not the only one making pictures of the crèches although I was the only one using a camera as opposed to a cell phone. Upon exiting the exhibition, I did notice the picturing prohibition notice but at that point it was too late - my sinful ways were faits accomplis.

In any event, I mentioned to the wife that there didn't seem to be any no-picturing police in evidence. Without missing a beat, she pointed out that they didn't need no stinking no-picturing police because the big guy in the sky, just like Santa Clause (the other big guy in the sky), knows when you've been bad or good. So, I guess I'm busted.

Reader Comments (1)

Wait… Are those bowling pins?
How funny is that?
You can "Strike" down Jesus.

November 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJimmi Nuffin

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