All Hallow's Eve ~ I don't often do B&W my friends, but when I do ...

4 sisters ~ All Hallow's Eve / Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggen... I don't ever use any of the "standard" Photoshop B&W conversion methods or any BW conversion software.
I simply convert the picture to LAB, go to the Lightness channel, discard the color channels, convert the picture to Grayscale and, voila, there you have it - a very nice B&W picture.
Stay creative, my friends. And remember, my words carry weight that would break a lesser man's jaw.
Reader Comments (3)
Yep, I tried your little B&W recipe on some colour images and it worked just fine. I don't do many B&W conversions but I generally use the B&W adjustment layer. Another technique is to create a separate layer + mask for the three channels (RGB) then manually blend.
I liked your last line "my words carry weight ..." which sounded like a Chuck Norris joke but appears to come from The Most Interesting Man in the World advertisements?
A typical Chuck Norris joke:
Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.
Ah, the KISS principle!
took me a while to get it, but you are the most interesting man in the world.