ku # 1101 ~ scraggy beauty

In the herb bed ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK • click to embiggenIt should also come as no surprise that I am not a fan of flora pictures, Cliche Division. You know the ones - a single blossom or two pictured with a wide open aperture / small DOF on a overcast day (or with a crap load of light diffusers, scrims, and fill cards). Add a bug / insect and you've got a fine camera club competition winner.
No, those pictures are not for me. They tell us little we don't already know.
I'm much more attuned to nature's messy ways. Complexity and diversity of shapes, textures, and color which combine to create a boatload of busy visual energy. A Jackson Pollock kind of visual energy minus the "abstraction" because, after all, the medium of photography is intrinsically and inexorably linked to the real.
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